Pancha karma

This very informative FOUNDATION course has a balanced proportion of theory and practice and is useful for both beginners and those with a good understanding of Ayurvedic methods. Theory session of Panchakarma Course in Our institute includes lectures with in-depth explanations on various concepts of Ayurveda, Panchakarma, massages, treatment procedures, Marma points, pulse diagnosis etc. Practical sessions include Kerala specialty massages and other Ayurvedic massage techniques like face massage, head massage, Shirodhara, Abhyanga, Kalari Marma Massage, massage with herbal bags, etc. Ayurvedic Massage and Panchakarma Therapy (AMPT)

Basic Principles of Ayurveda

Basic Principles of Ayurveda comprise of :
1.The TriGunas-
Three Fundamental universal energies : viz - Satva ,Rajas and Tamas
2.The PancaMahabhutas -
Five basic elements viz.-Akasha (Space),Vayu (Air),Teja or Agni(Fire),Jala(Water) and Prithvi (Earth)
3.The TriDosas -
Three Body Humours viz.-Vata,Pitta and Kapha
4.The SaptaDhatus -
Seven types of body tissues :viz.- Rasa (fluid) Dhatu, Rakta(blood)Dhatu, Mamsa Dhatu,Meda(fat)Dhatu,Asthi Dhatu,Majja Dhatu and Sukra Dhatu
5.The TrayodosaAgni -
Thirteen types of digestive fires : viz.-Jatharagni (gastric fire), SaptaDhatvagni and PancaBhutagni
6.The TriMalas -
Three types of Body Wastes :viz.-Purisa (faeces),Mutra (urine) and Sveda (sweat)